Saturday, August 4, 2012

Removal Exam

1. Create a program that will input a number in kilowatt and display its equivalent measure in watts.

2. Create a program that will read the date (month, day and year) in integer form and display the date in standard format

Sample Run:

Enter Month: 10
Enter Day: 23
Enter Year: 2000

Date is: October 23, 2003

3. XYZ Company gives a year-end bonus to its employee based on their number of years of service and their salary using the following:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Inserting additional Line in your file

BSBA - Sample Wedding Invitation using Publisher

1. Open MS Publisher 2007
2. Design your own weeding invitation, you can download images from the net

Friday, July 20, 2012


1. reseach about switch statement in java and study some program samples
2. using switch statement, create a program that will perform the 4 mathematical operation

sample outpud:

enter first number:
enter second number:
1) addition
2) multiplication
3) division
enter choice:

the answer is :

thank you!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quiz 1 Midterm

Every savings account has an associated interest rate, and annually (assuming we have an annual rate), the rate is multiplied with the current balance to get the amount earned as interest. The amount is added to the current balance to get the new balance

For Example, suppose we have an initial balance of Php 100,000.00 deposited at an interest rate of 10% . After one year, the savings account earns Php 10, 000.00(that's 10% of P100,000.00), so the new balance would be Php 110,000.00 after another year it earns Php 11,000.00 (10% of Php 110,000.00) and the balance would be Php 121,000.00. Another year would make it Php 133,100.00 (Php 121,000.00 + Php 12,100.00)

For your miderm Quiz1 using FILE, write a program that outputs the interest earned and balanace of savings account each year for several years. The program prompts for the following values:

  1. Initial balance

  2. Interest rate, in decimal

  3. Year deposited

  4. Year to be withdrawn

Below is the sample output

Input balance: 100000

and interest rate: 0.10

Input initial year: 1997

Input final year: 2010

You'll need to use loop here.

The output must display in the file name: Account.txt

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Exam - Hands-On

1. Write a program that will accept two input string and compare w/c of the two string is longer and display.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Quiz 2 & 3 - Pointers

1. Explain the code statement by statement



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