Sunday, December 5, 2010

IT-406 Midterm Exam (Project 1)

** Minterm Exam (IT406)

** Filename: Project1.cpp

** Project #1:

** Project Description: A company pays its employees as managers (who receive a fixed weekly salary), hourly workers (who recieve a fixed hourly wage for up to the first 40 hours they work and "time-and-a-half," i.e., 1.5 times their hourly wage, for overtime hours worked), commission workers (who receive $250 plus 5.7% of their gross weekly sales), or pieceworkers (who receive a fixed amount of money per item for each of the items they produce--each pieceworker in this company works on only one type of item). Write a program tocompute the weekly pay for each employee. You do not know the number of employees in advance. Each type of employee has its own pay code: Managers have paycode 1, hourly workers have code 2, commission workers have code 3 and pieceworkers have code 4. Use a switch to compute each employee's pay based on that employee's paycode. Within the switch, prompt the user (i.e., the payroll clerk) to enter the appropriate facts your program needs to calculate each employee'spay based on that employee's paycode.

** Output: The number of total employees paid.

The number of Managers paid.

The number of Hourly workers paid.

The number of Commission workers paid.

The number of Piece Workers paid.

** Input: Paycode of employee.

Code 1:(Manager Info)

- Weekly Salary

Code 2:(Hourly Worker Info)

- Hourly Salary

- Hours Worked

Code 3:(Commission Worker Info)

- Gross Weekly Sales

Code 4:(Piece Worker Info)

- Number of Pieces

- Wages per Piece

** Algorithm: Instruct user of programs purpose.

List paycodes and instruct user to enter a paycode

or press -1 to end program.

When paycode is entered go to the case in the switch

which will compute the pay for that worker.

Each time a paycode is used count the number of times.

When -1 is pressed instead of paycode then print out

the total number of employees to be paid.

-List# of:


-Hourly Workers

-Commission Workers

-Piece Workers

End Program

Thursday, December 2, 2010

IT406 - C plus plus

Research Work... (1/2 sheet of paper)

1. What are the iterative in c++ and give one example in every iterative..

Submit your output in my office..thank you!!



1. Create a program that will gives a discount of 100 pesos to a customer if the shirt bought is XL and the price is greater than 500 pesos, a discount of 50 pesos if the shirt bought is L and the price is greater than 400.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

CP1- SUNDAY!!!!!!!!

Refer to this sample!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ethics in Information Technology

Research notorious viruses

Research one of the following viruses, by either typing the keyword into a search engine.

NMDA Virus

I love you Virus

Melissa Virus

Code Red Virus

Anna Kournikova Virus

MyDoom Worm

Guide Question:

1. How and where did the virus originate?

2. Who was the responsible for creating and distributing it?

3. How did the virus work, and what effects did it have?

4. What prosecutions were brought, if any?

Send your answer to:

Monday, November 22, 2010

IT406 - C plus plus

Exercise 8

1. XYZ company gives year-end bonus to its employees based on their number of years of service
and their salary, using the following

Years of Service Bonus

1 10% of salary
2 to 5 20% of salary
5 to 10 50% of salary
11 and above 75% of salary

Filename: Exer8


Review Activity

Explain the figure.

Send your documents to :

Format for the subject: CompleteName_Activity2


Using if-else statement (exer3)

1. Write a program that will computer for the 3 major exam and 3 quizzes of the students and get their average. If the students grade is less than 75 remarks is "Failed" otherwise remarks is "Congratulation you passed"

Formula: Final Grade = Average of 3 exam + average of 3 quizzes.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Gud am..pls compile the source code below:


num1, num2, ans;
printf("Enter First number: ");
printf("Enter Second number: ");

ans = num1 + num2;

printf("The sum of two number is %d",ans);



Create a program that will get the quotient, difference and product of two inputed number, refer this to the sample code above:

Filename: Exer1

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


IT406 C++

1. Create a program that will compute the area a rectanlge use the formula Area = W x H

Filename: QuizA

2. Create a program that will compute the area of triangle use the formula Area = 1/2B x H

Filename: QuizB

3. Create a program that will compute the total product purchase by the customer.

Filename: QuizC

4. Create a program that will compute the average of 3 exams and average of 3 quizzes.

Filename: QuizD

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quiz 2 using table

1. Create the table below using HTML table tags

Apple Ipod Touch 4 (4G) – 4th Generation Gadget

The all new Apple iPod touch 4G released yesterday. Since weeks, much has been rumoured about its release date and its features. To everyone’s surprise, this new iPod touch 4G was suspected to have front and back facing camera for retina purpose. This is seriously the same iPod with the same front and back facing camera. The new jewel on Apple’s crown is obviously this new 4rth generation iPod touch that has been released yesterday.

iPod touch 4G design

Starting with the specification that all new iPod touch 4G provides you, the first comes is the iPod touch 4G designs. It has great stainless body design that is sleek. There is complete 15% off on thickness and weight of the body. The stainless steel back iPod touch 4G design has been retained from the older model. When you keep it in palm of your hand, you will find it thinner and sleeker. Earlier it was expected that the device will have boxier design but now it has come up with its retained look and stylish sleeker image. The main benefits we are getting in its design is for all the companies that were present when this Apple product has been launched yesterday. So, do not be very shocked to have the cases and everything being out in market for this great iPod venture.

iPod touch 4G specs

iPod Touch 4G, iPod nano 6G and iPod Shuffle are the major products introduced by Apple in the music event along with iOS 4.1. As anticipated the iPod Touch 4 on iOS 4.1 contains A4 processor chip, 3-axis gyroscope with Game Center, 3.5 inches screen with retina display and 326ppi, improved battery life, thinner, built-in microphone, front facing camera for FaceTime support and a rear camera for HD video recording (720p).

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Create a program that will compute for the salary of the employee and will get the bonus. Hence, the salary of the employee is computed per hour, to get the total salary, no. of days multiply by the per hour (50). To get the bonus, get 30% of the total salary.

B. Create a program that will compute the total amount purchase by the customer and get the discount. To get the total purchased you need to multiply it by the product price. After getting the total purchased get 25% and that will be the discount.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Quiz1 - Brochure

1. open MS PUBLISHER 2003

2. In the publication for print select brochure

3. Select the style Accent Box

4. Copy the format as shown in the picture below

5. Open the school website

6. Copy the picture and text (refer at the sample output)

7. Filename: quiz1

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Creating Multimedia Applications-Part I

You can create various multimedia applications in VB that could play audio CD, audiofiles, VCD , video files and more.

To be able to play multimedia files or multimedia devices, you have to insert Microsoft Multimedia Control into your VB applications that you are going to create. However, Microsoft Multimedia Control is not normally included in the startup toolbox, therefore you need to add the MM control by pressing Ctrl+T and select it from the components dialog box that is displayed.

Creating a CD player

In this program, you can create a CD player that resembles an actual CD player. It allows the user select a track to play, to fast forward, to rewind and also to eject the CD. It can also display the track being played. The interface and code are shown below.

The Code

Private Sub Form_Load()
'To position the page at the center
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
'Initialize the CD
myCD.Command = "Open"

End Sub

Private Sub myCD_StatusUpdate()

'Update the track number
trackNum.Caption = myCD.Track
End Sub

Private Sub Next_Click()
myCD.Command = "Next"
End Sub

Private Sub Play_Click()
myCD.Command = "Play"

End Sub

Private Sub Previous_Click()
myCD.Command = "Prev"
End Sub

Private Sub Stop_Click()
myCD.Command = "Stop"
End Sub

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CS 1 Final Exam

Please Read First!!!!!

IT, ICT & HRM Students this is your final exam (hands-on). Kindly download the file on the given link below, after you download the file (Excel template) you may start answering, this is an individual work you are not allowed to talk and ask question from your seat mate. If you have question or clarification about the exam ask your teacher. Thanks you and GOOD LUCK.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Eat right for the year 2010

Be Healthy

parties are everywhere to welcome the year 2010, after the intake fatty and unhealthy food what's next? well definitely you will gain weight from the excess calories and fats, the best thing to is to exercise, but how? Click Here!



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