Saturday, September 25, 2010
Apple Ipod Touch 4 (4G) – 4th Generation Gadget

The all new Apple iPod touch 4G released yesterday. Since weeks, much has been rumoured about its release date and its features. To everyone’s surprise, this new iPod touch 4G was suspected to have front and back facing camera for retina purpose. This is seriously the same iPod with the same front and back facing camera. The new jewel on Apple’s crown is obviously this new 4rth generation iPod touch that has been released yesterday.
iPod touch 4G design
Starting with the specification that all new iPod touch 4G provides you, the first comes is the iPod touch 4G designs. It has great stainless body design that is sleek. There is complete 15% off on thickness and weight of the body. The stainless steel back iPod touch 4G design has been retained from the older model. When you keep it in palm of your hand, you will find it thinner and sleeker. Earlier it was expected that the device will have boxier design but now it has come up with its retained look and stylish sleeker image. The main benefits we are getting in its design is for all the companies that were present when this Apple product has been launched yesterday. So, do not be very shocked to have the cases and everything being out in market for this great iPod venture.
iPod touch 4G specs
iPod Touch 4G, iPod nano 6G and iPod Shuffle are the major products introduced by Apple in the music event along with iOS 4.1. As anticipated the iPod Touch 4 on iOS 4.1 contains A4 processor chip, 3-axis gyroscope with Game Center, 3.5 inches screen with retina display and 326ppi, improved battery life, thinner, built-in microphone, front facing camera for FaceTime support and a rear camera for HD video recording (720p).
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Create a program that will compute for the salary of the employee and will get the bonus. Hence, the salary of the employee is computed per hour, to get the total salary, no. of days multiply by the per hour (50). To get the bonus, get 30% of the total salary.
B. Create a program that will compute the total amount purchase by the customer and get the discount. To get the total purchased you need to multiply it by the product price. After getting the total purchased get 25% and that will be the discount.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Quiz1 - Brochure
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Creating Multimedia Applications-Part I
You can create various multimedia applications in VB that could play audio CD, audiofiles, VCD , video files and more.
To be able to play multimedia files or multimedia devices, you have to insert Microsoft Multimedia Control into your VB applications that you are going to create. However, Microsoft Multimedia Control is not normally included in the startup toolbox, therefore you need to add the MM control by pressing Ctrl+T and select it from the components dialog box that is displayed.
Creating a CD player
In this program, you can create a CD player that resembles an actual CD player. It allows the user select a track to play, to fast forward, to rewind and also to eject the CD. It can also display the track being played. The interface and code are shown below.

The Code
Private Sub Form_Load()
'To position the page at the center
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
'Initialize the CD
myCD.Command = "Open"
End Sub
Private Sub myCD_StatusUpdate()
'Update the track number
trackNum.Caption = myCD.Track
End Sub
Private Sub Next_Click()
myCD.Command = "Next"
End Sub
Private Sub Play_Click()
myCD.Command = "Play"
End Sub
Private Sub Previous_Click()
myCD.Command = "Prev"
End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Click()
myCD.Command = "Stop"
End Sub