Monday, June 27, 2011

Quiz2 - CS1 4:00-5:00

Research No. 2

Chapter 3 (System Buses)

1. What is the function of Control Unit
2. Components of a Control Unit
3. What is Interrupts
4. What is a system Bus
4.1. Data bus
4.2 Address bus
4.3 Control bus
5. Types of Bus

Filename: Research2_chapter3
use the research template and send it to this e-mail address: hubssup at gmail dot com

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Activity 2

1. Open a new workbook, in your sheet1 enter the data below:

2. Create a chart and follow the sample chart below:

3. Rename your sheet1 to ToySales

4. Select sheet number 2 and enter the data below

5. Create a chart from the given data.
6. Create a chart for the month of January Only
7. Add color and change the font style and size.
8. Save your File under the filename: Activity2_Chart

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011



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