Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Activity 2

Draw a Entity Relationship Diagram and show their Degree of Relationship. Use the template in submitting your output, you can use Visio or MSWord as a tool in designing your ERD.

Prob 1

  1. a professor teaches zero, one or many classes and a class is taught by one professor
  2. a course may generate zero, one or many classes and a class comes from one course
  3. a class is held in one room but a room has many classes

Prob 2

  1. an invoice is written by one salesrep but a salesrep writes many invoices
  2. a vendor sells many products but a product is bought from one vendor
  3. an invoice has one or many products and a product is found on zero, one or many invoices

Deadline: Feb. 20, 2012
Submit your activity to my e-mail

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