Saturday, October 1, 2011

Checkbox & radio buttons

Change the following properties refer the table below

Following code is typed in the Click() events of the CheckBoxes

Private Sub chkBold_Click()
If chkBold.Value = 1 Then
txtDisplay.FontBold = True
txtDisplay.FontBold = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub chkItalic_Click()
If chkItalic.Value = 1 Then
txtDisplay.FontItalic = True
txtDisplay.FontItalic = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub chkUnderline_Click()
If chkUnderline.Value = 1 Then
txtDisplay.FontUnderline = True
txtDisplay.FontUnderline = False
End If
End Sub

Following code is typed in the Click() events of the OptionButtons

Private Sub optBlue_Click()
txtDisplay.ForeColor = vbBlue
End Sub

Private Sub optRed_Click()
txtDisplay.ForeColor = vbRed
End Sub

Private Sub optGreen_Click()
txtDisplay.ForeColor = vbGreen
End Sub

To terminate the program following code is typed in the Click() event of the Exit button

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub

Run the program by pressing F5. Check the program by clicking on OptionButtons and CheckBoxes.

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